Sunday, November 23, 2008

Blog about technology

I confess my pc is a useful tool but not something I seek out for social or intellectual pleasure. I would much rather meet a friend face to face over a latte or glass of wine or dinner than chat by email or messenger.
I'd much rather enjoy a great film at the movies or in the comfort of my home than spend an evening surfing the net! I'd much rather read a book, go for a walk or spend time in the garden than sit inside with my pc.
I confess I love spending time with people in person rather than via technology.
So -I'm showing my age - but that is my confession!
Are there any other people out there who are like me in this regard?


wosemarywebolutionary said...

i think it's the extrovert in you, not the age..I prefer technology over people, books and even foooooooooooood!!!!!

LibraryJo said...

But the benefit of blogging is you can do it in your PJs!! (at home probably not suitable to wear your PJs to work)