Sunday, October 26, 2008

Success in creating my blog

After a few false starts here I am! First entry for my blog. Have called the blog "bookescapeatbeach" - what better way to enjoy spending time than take a book to the beach on holidays! However - the sun no longer likes me so I have to be more careful than in the past!

What do I blog about? What about movies! I love going to the movies - and my favourite movie theatre is the Sun Theatre in Yarraville! It is so convenient - easy to park, good coffee shops and the Heather Dell bakery is hard to go past! A week ago I saw "The Duchess" - and really enjoyed it. Great acting, beautiful costmes and an intriguing love story. All based on history so really interesting! Unfortunately Ralph Fiennes played a nasty fellow - not attractive at all!

The week before I saw "The Visitor" - another great film! This one was about a widower who had lost interest in life and his work as a uni professor. However he comes into contact with two illegal immigrants in New York who are taking shelter in his apartment. His life is gradually changed. This was a moving story and I couldn't help comparing how Australia has treated illegal immigrants in recent years. Thank goodness there is more compassion under the Rudd government.

Stay tuned for the next film review!

1 comment:

wosemarywebolutionary said...

great blogging! and interesting content!